Websites built with



About Me

I am a passionate developer who is invested in building an expertise in web design and software development.

IT professional with over 5 years of experience

Bachelor's of Science from GCU & BS in Software Engineering from WGU (in progress)


My Projects

Skill set image

Flash card learning tool. Build custom cards, categorize by subject,
and easily edit. Uses VUEJS for front end, and
Google Firebase for back end. Utilizes realtimeDB and O-Auth.

Skill set image
AA Home Improvement

Info and contact page for a local
construction company. Built using a third-party
template, bootstrap, jquery, and HTML.

Skill set image
Doppio Web Designs

Landing page for my Web Designer business. Features similar content as this portfolio
but with a more professional angle. All custom styling and animations using CSS and JS.


The Tools I Love to Use

Need a website?
Look no further.
Let me have the privilege of creating
a beautiful space for your content.

What can I build for you?

Doppio Web Designs